Tuesday, 26 November 2013

80's perms? MC Hammer pants? Would you rather Tag!

Today feels like a good day to do a tag! I have chosen the "Would you rather tag" as I think it will help you to get to know me...also, I love doing tags!

So here goes...

1.Would you rather go out with messy hair and nice make-up or Nice hair and no make-up? 

I think I would rather have nice hair and no make up. Although I would prefer to wear make up everyday, I never actually do. If I'm only going to work and I am spending the rest of the day in the house then I don't bother wearing any make up so I'm not shy of being facially naked. On the other hand Im not keen on being seen in public with no make up incase I see people I know but over time Ive realised I'm not so fussed about this anymore. I really like to be seen with nice hair as I feel it distracts people from the blemishes on your face or if your make up isn't up to scratch that day it helps me to not notice. Lush locks are the key! I always feel that if my hair looks good then I know it's going to be a good day! 

2.Would you rather shave your eyebrows or have your eyelashes fall out? 

Unfortunately for me I have had my eyelashes fall out before which is NOT a good look! It takes wayyy to much effort to put false eyelashes on everyday and then carry the mini pot of glue in your bag just incase they start to fall off. I love false eyelashes but they are not always practical, like when it rains, the wind hits you or you cry. I think I would rather shave my eyebrows as its more popular to colour in your eyebrows then actually have any. This way no one would notice that I look different as I would blend straight in. 

3.Would you rather be forced to shop at only MAC or Sephora for the rest of your life?

Hmmm this is tricky as both brands are a bit pricey. Although I think I would chose MAC all the way. I love there make up range and how there foundation is really good at matching your skin tone. Also I would have a huge range of the gorgeous MAC lipsticks....what more could a girl want?

4.Would you rather wear lipgloss/lipliner look or 80's perm?

Oooo this is a hard question. I love both of these old styles. I sometimes do actually line my lips so I don't see it as that much of a bad thing. If the lip liner matches the colour of the lipstick then you have nothing to worry about as it just makes your lips look perfect and in shape. Although for this question I would chose the perm. I love 80s style perms! I think that era really influenced women to look and feel how they want to so I would definitely choose a perm. Every big perm I see reminds me of looking at old pictures of my mom who used to have giant hair. I remember when Katy Perry tried to make 80s perms come back to life in her "T.G.I.F" music video and I felt so jealous of her...I want to be able to pull of that hair! 

Looking lovely

Last Friday Nightttttt

5.Would you rather leave the house with an obvious foundation line or overdone blush?

Oh no! This is like a girls worst make up night mare! I hate seeing both mistakes on girls...I can't decide! I remember seeing girls in school with orange foundation and white necks. The "gravy stain" look is never a good look. Then there would be other girls who would have bright orange or pink checks because of over blushing! I really can't choose this one! Both are embarrassing and not good looks. 

6.Would you rather wear MC Hammer pants or biker shorts in public?

For a start, I wish I could pull of biker shorts so the obvious answer would be MC Hammer pants! Plus those pants are pretty awesome! I would certainly get people's attention wearing them! 

STOP! Hammer time!

7.Would you rather have a bad orange-y spray tan or really weird tan lines that can't be covered?

I think I would rather have the weird tan lines than a whole orange body. The orange tan is quite common for most girls but I don't think it would suit me one bit. At least with the tan lines I can either reapply the tan to cover them or cover myself in clothes so no one would see. If the lines were on my face I could wear lots of foundations to cover up so no one would notice. 

8.Would you rather have a bad haircut or bad hair colour?

For this I would definitely prefer a bad hair cut. I've had a bad hair colour before and I felt so conscious! At least with a bad haircut you can cover it with hair extensions, wear a hat or put your hair up so no one notices. Bad colouring is the hardest to try and cover! 

Oh dear!

9.Would you rather have youtube or twitter taken away forever?

This is easy! I would rather YouTube! I can manage without Twitter easy as I only use it on an occasion. Whereas I find that YouTube is the answer to everything! I love watching factual videos or videos by proper YouTubers. 

10. Would you rather give up using makeup brushes or mascara? 

I would rather give up make up brushes then mascara. Without mascara my eyelashes are hardly noticeable and it gives them more volume. You don't always need make up brushes anyway as you can use your fingers...that's how they did it in the oldy days! 

I hope you've all enjoyed learning a bit more about me! Now go and tag yourself to this and think about what you would rather....

Daily Bow

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