Guess where I went???? THE HARRY POTTER STUDIOS!!! I definitely don't want you all to think that I am bragging but it is sooooo worth talking about! It was amazing! I would highly reccomend this trip to anybody...Harry Potter fan or not. It is brill!
My Mom really isn't a Harry Potter fan but she really enjoyed looking at all the film sets and learning how it was made. The sets and costumes were astounding, like nothing you've ever seen before. It was busy but manageable and once you got off the tour you was allowed to admire the sets for as long as you wanted. I'm not going to spoil it for everyone and tell you step by step what happened but I wanted to share some pictures of a few of my favorite bits. The picture quality isn't amazing as it was quite dark and I spent most of my time filming it.
With it obviously being Christmas time, they had set up the Hogwarts lunch hall to be all festive. There was plastic but realistic looking turkeys, Christmas puddings and much more. It definitely looked like a banquet made for the Queen. Everything was so realistic and although fake, the food looked great. I love how the Christmas tree's had little witches floating around to give you that real magic feel. The actual Hogwarts Hall is really amazing, it shows you how in the film it looks like it has a roof where in actual fact it doesn't. They also edited the windows to make it look like it was snowing outside but they were actually lighting effects but you would have never been able to tell.
I love how magical this ice castle looked, it was made from plastic but it looked so realistic.
One of my favorite parts of the Harry Potter Studio's was reading about the pets they filmed with. I was amazed by how many pets played one character and all swapped for different scenes. It amazes me because you would never been able to tell on the films that they had swapped. I also found it interesting how the majority or if not more were rescue animals that had been very well trained and have been used for films.
The funniest time of the whole trip would be when I ( got stuck in the side car. Trust me to get in this side car with shoes that had nooooo grip. I got in for a picture when I realized I couldn't get back out. Not only was I in the confined place but my shoes were slipping on this piece of wood on the inside of the cart. As I would push up to get out, my feet would slip and I was falling further and further into it. Not only did I look ridiculous as I looked like I was stuck but I had loads of people gathering around at staring at me...I suppose now is the right time to thank my family for helping me out and not laughing at me...NOT. As you will see by the picture below my Mom found it hilarious.
Here was my half attempt of getting out which failed miserably.
The Knight Bus was also awesome! It was huge!
and heres me and my family causing more ciaos!
My absolute most favourite thing was seeing the amazing work they did to make the Hogwarts. With it being winter they covered it in a blanket of snow and dimmed the main lights so you could see it all lit up and looking magical. The detail on it was breath taking, it was like seein it in real life but a dwarfs version.
I hope you enjoyed looking at my pictures! It was such a great day out...can't wait to go again!
Daily Bow
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